Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society exists to improve well being, education, and social change for our community.

Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society is a registered charity serving the community since 1974. We are located at 511 Constance Avenue in Esquimalt, BC. A range of services are offered on and off-site. Services include early years and family resource programs with a focus on children’s learning and development, pre and post-natal services, mental health and supportive counselling, youth and family support, as well as help for seniors to remain living independently in their home. In addition, the Society plays an active role in the community by participating in various community events and committees such as Esquimalt’s Early Years Coalition, Buccaneer Days and Children’s Annual Storytelling Festival.
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society
511 Constance Avenue
Esquimalt, BC V9A 6N5
(250) 385-2635

Esquimalt Neighbourhood House is a member of the Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses Capital Region
Neighbourhood Houses ( https://www.cnhcr.ca/ ) are charitable community-based organizations that are committed to healthy communities - healthy children, youth families and individuals. Neighbourhood Houses offer a range of programs and services that support individuals and families to manage their own well-being, including mental health counselling and outreach, pre-and post-natal support, preschool and childcare programs, youth and family support, food security initiatives, parent education and seniors programs. Most services are free of charge. The Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses Capital Region is a group of 8 Neighbourhood Houses whose geographical range of service includes Sooke, Saanich, the Peninsula, West Shore, Victoria and Esquimalt.