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March 2025
Play blocks

Everyone Welcome Playgroup

For families with children 0-5 years old. Join us for play time including games, crafts, circle time and free play with kindergym toys. Parents/caregivers will receive resources and tips on positive parenting, child development, health, and safety and much more. As this is a parent-child interactive program, we ask that an adult attends with no […]
13 Mar
10:30 am - 11:45 am
Esquimalt Recreation Center
527 Fraser Street

Support Group for Seniors

Format: Structured check-in group Each person has some uninterrupted time to speak (it’s okay to pass too) Topics may include: retirement, feeling stuck, relationships, aging, loneliness, death There will be additional time for questions and conversation Coffee/tea and snacks will be provided Info: Jack 250-592-1422, or Brenda,
13 Mar
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Esquimalt Recreation Center
527 Fraser Street
image of a child holding a paint covered brush

Craft & Play

For families with preschoolers 0-5 years old; Join us for free-play with puzzles, dressup, building blocks, ride-on toys crafts, and more! Parents/caregivers support and information available. Dress for mess and outside play! Sign-up weekly. Click here to sign up for Craft
14 Mar
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue

New Hope Al-Anon Family Group

When:  Sundays – 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Where:  Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society in the Foster’s Centre at 511 Constance Ave (1 story building at the rear of the parking lot) The Group: Drop-in.  Anyone who has been affected by another person’s drinking is welcome to attend either in person or by zoom. More Information: Victoria […]
16 Mar
7:30 pm - 8:45 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue
Family of Seals

Best Families (Registered Program)

Registered program; for families with babies 0-12months. A continuation of Best Babies. This program offers opportunities to gain new parenting skills and knowledge, as well as time to make joyful connections through songs and rhymes. Topics focus on baby and family health, wellness & safety. For more information and to register call Janik at 250-385-2635 ext. 207
17 Mar
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue


Are you in physical, emotional, mental or spiritual pain? Reiki can help.   Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive treatment where you relax for 30 minutes on a comfortable massage table while being bathed in the energy of the universe through hands-on healing. Free sessions are available with Jack or Marthese, experienced Reiki masters and volunteer […]
17 Mar
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue
Small baby

Best Babies (Registered Program)

Registered program; for pregnant individuals looking for extra supports and resources during the prenatal period and up until their babies are 8 weeks old. Partners and support persons welcome. Weekly opportunities for group participation and individualized supports. For more information and to register call Marena at 250-385-2635 ext. 204
17 Mar
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue

Drop-in Creative Art Space

A free program for adults Every Monday night (except for holidays) A night to connect with your creative selt and others while working on your own projects. Play/experiment with color, words, images, and/or yarn in a space with relaxing music and tea or coffee. Melissa, a volunteer counsellor for ENH will lead the program. Contact […]
17 Mar
7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House, Family Centre
511 Constance Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada
image of mothers and a child

Mom Talk

For moms with babies 0-15 months; Join us weekly to share and connect with other moms in the community; We’ll chat about sleep, infant/toddler feeding, adjusting to motherhood, and more. Light lunch provided. To sign-up weekly, click link below. Click here to sign up to weekly Mom Talk
18 Mar
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue

65+ Coffee Chat

Conversation & Connection What: Come connect with other older adults in our community. This is a free, un-facilitated group where you have an opportunity to chat, play a game, have a cup of tea or coffee and find friendship. When: Every Tuesday 1-3pm For more information: Call Jennifer at 250-385-2635 Ext.201
18 Mar
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue
image of a child stacking blocks

Parent-Tot Time

For families with little ones crawling to 3 years old. This parent-toddler interactive playtime provided a safe and fun space for families to play and connect. Together you can explore puzzles, sensory toys, building blocks, and more! Sign-up weekly. Click here to sign up for Parent-Tot Time
19 Mar
9:30 am - 10:45 am
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue

Walking Wednesdays

Who: Adults who like to walk, meet new people and chat. What: Whether you are new to the area or just looking to meet new people, this is a safe, friendly space to connect & enjoy a relaxing walk to Saxe Point and back, followed by coffee & snacks back at Foster’s Centre. When: Wednesdays […]
19 Mar
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
511 Constance Avenue
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"At Esquimalt Neighbourhood House, we believe that Every Child Matters.
Our hearts break for all of the children - the children that died and for those that survived Canada’s residential school system and the Sixties Scoop."

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